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All about PEMF - Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy

Could your clients benefit from PEMF?

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy; the process involves directing pulsed energy waves at targeted areas of the client’s body. These waves painlessly and quickly pass through the cells in the region, increasing the ‘spin’ of the cell’s electrons. This spinning sends a surge of power through the cells which helps stimulate and promote healing, like a battery charging. Notably, PEMF is said to boost collagen synthesis and skin health.

In fact, PEMF therapy helps the whole body restore health naturally - and if this sounds like mumbo-jumbo to you, don’t be fooled - NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, has a useful resource detailing research into the benefits of PEMF, which includes studies into osteoarthritis of the knee, postoperative pain, oedema, fractures, and even chronic stress.

Yes, in addition to physical benefits and pain relief, this form of therapy is renowned for aiding mental clarity and relaxation - so, it’s the perfect therapy for busy clients at a spa. (PEMF has also been supported, with specific methodology, by NASA, and the UK’s NHS. NASA’s studyis said to have found that PEMFs boosted many cellular functions - including improved tissue healing, accelerated cell growth, greater cell longevity, up-regulation of genes related to collagen production, and cell restoration and growth.

Ozone bio-chambers

If you’re wondering how easily PEMF can be administered in a therapeutic setting, the latest technology sees the HOCATT™ ozone bio-chamber sauna incorporating PEMF technology too. In addition to an array of settings for beauty treatments, athletic and recuperative sessions, tissue repair and overall wellness, including transdermal ozone, far-infrared and ultrasonic cavitation, the latest HOCATT™ Platinum, the leading ozone steam sauna, includes high-intensity PEMF.

The in-built magnetic field setting offers pain relief, as well as a host of beauty benefits including tissue oxygenation, enhanced circulation and collagen synthesis, to name a few, which maximise skin health and appearance. There’s also a stand-alone high-intensity PEMF device with mats and accessories that utilises full-body, high-intensity PEMF ‘sandwich’ technology, working both above and below the client’s body, simultaneously.

For any clinicians and therapists specifically interested in the benefits to the synthesis of a client’s epidermal collagen, studies have found that targeted PEMF definitely can increase collagen synthesis. One American/Israeli study noted a preventative element, and found that: “Pulsed electric fields can improve skin function and potentially serve as a novel, non-invasive skin therapy for multiple degenerative skin diseases."

Spa managers should contact UK distributor Sandra Bryant to discuss the possibilities of installing a HOCATT™ Platinum ozone steam sauna in their facility - visit

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